Monday, April 14, 2008


This is one of my nephews, Noah. He is 9 years old now. I wanted to write about him, because last weekend was the Autism Walk at Heartspring.
We found out that Noah is autistic when he was around 3 years old. I just want to say that I think he is an awesome kid!!! He loves cheese pizza and Spongebob, and anything that is red. He is in Boy Scouts, and is a good student at Beech Elementary. I sat with him at Mass on Saturday, and he was very well behaved, and participated in the whole thing.
Val and Emi adore him. They think he is really special. I admire them because they have never treated him differently, and they never allowed any of their friends to treat him differently either.
Here is my point. Noah is awesome!!! I think everyone should educate themselves about autism. I love Noah very much and always will. He is one of my heroes, and I consider myself lucky to have him in my life.
Love ya,
Aunt Michelle ( as Noah calls me)

1 comment:

Gram~cr'kr said...

Noah is a sweet, smart young man with the absolute most beautiful eyes. He is a treasure in your family and a blessing to all. The statistics are alarming, and we as the caretakers of this planet and all that live on it, should turn our attention to finding out why this affliction happens and then how to get rid of it. Much is learned by everyone when their lives are touched by one of God's angels. Thank you for sharing your insite into this wonderful little boy.