Monday, April 21, 2008

Night Ball

Usually, by 9:00 pm, the girls are in bed, or getting ready for bed, or laying down and watching TV when it is a school night. Last night, however, we did not get home until 8:45 because we had a busy day with Emily's family birthday parties.

Her biggest gift (in size) was one of those basketball goals that are portable. By the time we got it home from her Nanny and Buddy's house ( they gave it to her ), and got it built, and then rebuilt, since we put it together backwards, it was time to go to her Grandma's house for her 2nd party, so she did not get to play on it.

Anyway, we got home at almost 9, and all she wanted to do was shoot some hoops, so that is what we let her do. The pictures are probably a little dark, but I will post them anyways.

She had a great day, and got a lot of very nice things, from everyone!



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