Monday, April 21, 2008

Aunt Sherry

This will be a quick one, I need to get back to school.
Aunt Sherry is such a sweet lady! Back around the time Emily was in preschool, she became obsessed with the color orange. Seriously! For her birthday gift that year, Aunt Sherry went out and found a spool of orange ribbon, and every year since she ties that ribbon to any gift that she gives to Emily, and then Emily gives it back to her, so it can be used again. I think this is such a sweet tradition.
She told me yesterday that her granddaughter, who is about to become a first time mommy, also loves the color orange, so I hope she has some left to tie onto all those cute baby packages.
Anyway, Aunt Sherry is one in a million!
Shelle- as Aunt Sherry calls me

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