Thursday, April 17, 2008

Did you know...

last summer, we went to the Magic Kingdom. It started out sounding like a good idea. My whole family went. My mom does not fly, so she, my dad, brother Marc, and the 4 of us decided to drive. A 24 hour trip, we figured we could make it in 24 hours. No stops. And we didn't. Drove straight through. Of course, we stopped for food and gasoline, but that was it. We were determined! Anyway, my sister, Suzanne, her husband Joe, and boys, Noah and Connor, along with my brother, Brian, his fiance-now wife-Megahn, and his son Tim, flew. We beat them.HA! You know everything is a competition. We stayed at Days Inn, and got 4 rooms in a row. The kids loved the pool. On the 1st night some of us walked a few miles to a carnival set up and Mark and Megahn did the slingshot, where they strap you in and fling you into the air. We went to Disneyworld, Epcot Center, and Daytona Beach the following 3 days. Well, the 1st day we just went shopping, to get the bulk of souvenirs. Then we went the other places. They were all great!

The beach was fantastic, but did you know you should wear sunscreen? I left their with a horrible sunburn that I had to ride home with, that produced about 6-I am not kidding you_LEMON size blisters on my back. I could not lean back for days. Emily got to do the slingshot there, with Mark. She had a blast!!!! OK, so next day was Universal Studios-I was miserable. Said I wasn't going. You know, I buckle to peer pressure, so I was talked in to going.Luckily the park was 3 minutes from the hotel, after a 25 minute walk to the car. This came in handy, because I paid the $75 to go, and just got to look at the inside of 2 bathrooms. They were lovely by the way, before I had to leave. Val was not feeling well either so she also left. It was a great trip, though.

Some more memories:

Lays the koosh- a koosh ball we found that looked like a potato chip-Emily named it so get your mind out of the gutter!

Getting lost in Osceola

The Mr Pibb Experience

Gathering in our hotel room

Flipper Pizza

The theme song to the King of Queens


M-it was a fabulous week!

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