Saturday, April 26, 2008

Meet DJ

OK, I could not resist this picture. I know it is from 6th grade, but it is so darn cute!

I have a lot to say about DJ. He and Val have had a love/hate relationship since they met, in kindergarten.

The bunny ear story that I told you about before? That was with this guy. I think someday they may get married. No, not really, but I don't think I would be surprised if it did happen. They have always loved each other.

OK, the night this pic was taken was at a halloween party Val and Karlee hosted. They invited the whole class. They were messing around, being kids, and DJ pulled Val into another room (they did not know that Carol and I were spying) and he told her that she invited him to the party so he could keep things under control. It was hilarious! These kids were not doing anything bad!

DJ was also Val's first boyfriend, and first date. They went to Bridge to Terabithia together in 7th grade. He paid. Very much a gentleman.

There are all kinds of things I could say about DJ but I think more stories with him in them will come out in time, so I will not repeat them here first. Does that make sense?

DJ. Bishop Carroll. One of the best.

Before I go though, one more story. Jordan's dad took Olivia and Emily to a Raven Symone Concert a few years ago,and Jordan got to invite DJ. Well, they were on TV. SO, I was teasing him about wanting his autograph. He wrote me an autograph. It says-TO MY MOST ADORING FAN-DJ.

I still have it.

I am waiting for the perfect opportunity.


My love to DJ,


1 comment:

Grannymouse said...

You can never tell the future but look at Andra and Seth. He was her first boyfriend and she was his first girlfriend. They both tried on other people, but none were right so now here they are married with a baby on the way. So all I can say is "Watch out DJ"