Sunday, April 27, 2008

Meet Adrian

Well, this is Adrian. He also joined the class in middle school. Adrian could be described as the rebel of the class. He has actually gotten himself into quite a few rather sticky situations, but there is something about him. You just have to love him.
My favorite memory of Adrian happened a few years ago. Val was fighting with every single girl in the class-those with daughters can relate that this can really happen- and Val decided she was going to eat lunch with the boys instead. She sat by Adrian, and swears to this day that that lunch was the funnest she has ever had. Ever. Even when she eats with me. I guess I am not as much fun.
No matter what happens to Adrian in his life, I think Val will always be his friend, and I know that I will always like him too.
Adrian is not sure if he will go to Bishop Carroll or South. He got his paperwork in late, and so he was placed on the deferral list. It is tough to get into private school!!
Adrian's nieces will continue on at SMM though, so I know that I can catch up with his happenings no matter where he ends up.
Do I think Adrian is a great kid? Yes, I do. He is one of the best.

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