Tuesday, April 22, 2008

I Want Your Opinion

Each year Josten's does our graduation certificates at St Margaret Mary, so Mrs Samms sent us the note, requesting how we want our child's name to appear. Of course, our opinion, which is the one that counts, differs from Val's, but here are your choices, please vote, but know that we will turn in what we want. Not even Val will get her way.

1. Valleri Anne Young

2. Valleri A. Young

3. Valleri Young

4. Val Young

5. Are you sure she is graduating?

6. Did she really pass?


8. Huh!

9. Who knew?!

10. Well, good for her!


Gram~cr'kr said...

Seriously....I would always vote for the "whole" given name.

But, I like the last one. HEE HEE

Danelle said...

I vote for the whole name too. Let me guess...she wanted just Val?? Am I right?

Grannymouse said...

I vote for the whole name too. Besides, they will probably use the whole name on her HS diploma and any others she pursues. It will be nice if they all match.