Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Gas prices

OK, so I guess you did not expect to see these pictures with a heading like gas prices, but bear with me. It is a good story!!
I remember when gas was .89 a gallon, and today I went to fill the car and it was $3.29. I could not believe it, and it reminded me of a time when we lived in El Dorado. Gary and Nancy picked the girls and myself up at our house, and I remember we stopped for gas, which was .99 per gallon. That is all I will say about gasoline, but here is the rest of the story. Gary took us to Wal Mart because he decided the girls should have some fishies. So, he proceeded to fill the cart with a tank, all the doo-dads and he and Val picked out each fish, and believe me, when the poor guy with the net got the wrong fish, he had to keep trying until he got the right one. Anyway, here is the cute part. The cart was loaded, and Val looked at her Papa and asked for a toy. Of course, he said no, not that day, she begged, he eventually gave in, but told her it was to be a small one. She looked him straight in the eye and said, Papa, the fish are small. He couldn't say a word. She had gotten him. It was hilarious!!!!!
Anyway, of course she -and Emi-got the toy. It was dolls, I believe. He didn't have a chance, and he knew it. She had him wrapped around her finger, and now, I like to think he is wrapped around her heart. They were best buds!!!! I think it is important to remember these stories, so I will jot them down, whenever one pops in my head.