Monday, May 5, 2008

Watch out!

Coming Soon to a driveway near you!
That's right, Val drove....3 feet.
She pulled in to the driveway this evening. Emily was terrified...for her basketball goal.
She did great!!!!


Grannymouse said...

Oh No! Please say it ain't so. I know they have to grow up but DANG, do they have to do it so fast??? Yet I also know she will do a great job. Good luck Val, and Emi, just hang on.

Gram~cr'kr said...

Your killing me.
Good luck Mark, oops I mean VAL!!

Danelle said...

Scary stuff. I've been letting the kids sit on my lap to "drive" the cul-de-sac sometimes. They love it. I control the gas and brakes and they just steer. It's fun. But, the day I hand over full control will be scary. I'm scared for Emi's basketball goal too!! Look out!!!