Friday, May 30, 2008


For Memorial Day, we always try to come up with a unique decoration to honor the gravesites of our loved ones, at Resthaven-Papa, my grandpa, Uncle Bud and Uncle Burt.
Grammy-C always does beautiful flowers,and Tim and Nelle and the kiddos always bring out flags, so we try to think of something else each year.
This year, Val, Emily and I went to WalMart in search of something. We passed the balloons, and decided to get red, white and blue ones. Then we had to get sticks to attach them to, wire, and some spray glitter so the wire would not show. It did anyway, but I had some patriotic ribbon at home, that we wrapped the sticks in, that looked good.
The real treat, was watching a 12 year old and 14 year old going crazy for the extra balloons. No matter how old you are, you've got to enjoy batting balloons around! And hitting your sister with them.

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