Friday, May 16, 2008

I Don't Heart Cats

Mark never has either, but wtf?????
Actually, I have very strong feelings against felines. It is very deep inside of me. We never had a cat growing up, we were dog people, when I was younger, I heard a story about a boy who had his face clawed off when he was taking a nap, by a kitty that jumped up on the bed with him. Of course, now I do not think this is a true story, but things stick with me. So, I guess you could say I have never given cats a chance. And, I never will.
I have been around cats of course. First there was L.T., then Kaycee, and Fisher, but I never get too close. I am sorry if I spelled their names wrong. I am sure I probably did. I think it is part of the distancing process.
These cats have never done anything to me, I think cats freak me out because they are so quiet.
Anyway, if you think my feelings toward cats are weird, I will have to tell you about splinters sometime. That one is a doozy!!!!
PS Val named the cat Buster. Mark feeds it every night. Emily is undecided on her feelings. Wrinkles and I are opposed.

1 comment:

Gram~cr'kr said...

Awwwww, what a cute kitty. You spelled everyone right. I love my KayCe, she's purry, furry and loveable (to me)!