Friday, June 20, 2008

Waddle We Do Today??? Play Club Penguin!!!

My kids love Club Penguin! They have been playing on the website for over a year, and both of them got memberships to the website for Christmas presents. Em from us and Val got one from her Gram-C.
Now, I always stayed away from this, because I tend to have an addicting personality, and I get easily hooked on things, like when they got Nintendogs games, I never messed with it, until one day they asked me how to do something, then when I figured it out, I played and played and played.
A few weeks ago, Val wanted to enter some contest on the website, but she was 5,000 coins short. You collect coins by playing games. She got up one Sunday and started playing, and playing and playing. The thing is, she gave herself just one day to make all these coins. Her wrists hurt, her eyes hurt, and she still needed coins, so she asked me to help, which,of course I did. She showed me how to play the easy games, and she got enough coins.
She did not win the contest, by the way.
Pretty soon though, Emily was like wanting me to help her too, then when Lauren started coming over, she wanted me to get coins for her too. There are a lot of clothes catalogs, and you can buy an igloo and decorate it. So, I tend to go to each account every day and play a few games. In fact, today new catalogs came out, so I am sure that the weeks of my hard work will be spent.
I never realized how cute the website is, and how much fun they have on it. Especially in the summer, when it is too hot to be outside. They have a good time on it, it is a secure website, so it is safe. Emily sets up times with her friends, and they can meet up with each other in Penguinland.
I think Club Penguin is good clean fun!


Gram~cr'kr said...

Maybe Santa should give you a membership too!

The Timster said...

You know, they have medicine for this.

Danelle said...

How old are you? HA HA ...yes I admit I have played the games too (I say this blushing)