Thursday, June 26, 2008

Summer Dance

Every week, Emily goes to dance class. In the summer, it is more about technique, which I think is very important. This is where they learn and can perfect new steps and combinations, that are put into the dances that they perform the next May.
Not everyone takes the summer lessons. Emily has every year, but I can see the difference with the girls that do not take the summer session, when they start putting the routine together, and it takes them longer to get the steps down. It also takes Emily a lot of practice and hard work, I am not saying it doesn't, but I think that dance is something that will help her, her whole life long. She is very graceful for one thing. She has a way that she carries herself. Maybe, it has to do with her dance training, maybe not. She has the highest kicks of anyone in her dance class, or on her track team. Her coaches even mentioned this to me.
Anyway, today is another dance class, and while it may not be flashy, I know that what she learns this summer will really come together during the school year, when they learn a routine, and get to perform in sparkly costumes, with hair and makeup done.

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