Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Are You Out of Synch with NSync?

Do you remember when I did the blog right around Emily's birthday about Emily, Aunt Sherry, and the orange ribbon? Well, this is a different take on the same idea.
When Val was preschool aged, she was going to marry Justin Timberlake, from NSync. She loved him. And Chris. Joey, JC, and Lance too. The whole band. She had CD's, and posters. T shirts and pajamas. Everything a fan could want. So, that year for her birthday, my dad found this gift bag. I don't remember what she received that year, but it came in the bag.
When his birthday rolled around a few years later, we thought it would be funny to put his gift in the bag. And so we did, and if the gift was too big, we taped the bag to the wrapping paper. He always got it. Then, a couple of years ago, we lost the bag. I figured it got thrown out with the Christmas paper that year.
I pulled a box out of our laundry room a few months ago, and what should I find? You guessed it!
Father's Day is Sunday, so while we are at the zoo (we go every year), we will put his funny Fathers Day themed t shirt ( we get him a different one every year) in the bag. I don't know if he will notice or not, but I will.
THE BAG IS BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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