Friday, July 25, 2008


Cute boy did not show up at the swim party. He is a sophomore at Kapaun (I know), and his soccer coach called a special practice for Wednesday morning for conditioning, so he had to go to that instead.
His name is Christopher, and he used to go to SMM, he left in 5th grade. The girls have known him a long time now, but he only recently became a "hottie with a body" as they say.
There is a little jealousy going on with the whole situation right now, because he is more interested in talking to Valleri than someone else, who initially got hold of him, but I am hoping there will be no hard feelings in the future, and as I always told the girls they can be friends with whoever they want to be friends with, they just need to respect others feelings along the way.
I will keep you posted....

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