Sunday, July 13, 2008

All Was Rosey In Rose Hill

Shelbie's softball team played in a tournament this weekend in Rose Hill. The game that we went to was against a team from Lyons KS. Shelbs team won. I think it was because I was in attendance. That had to be it!
They played a really great game! Her team is coached by her dad, Mark's brother Tim. I called him Coach Bootey, because he hurt his foot earlier in the week, and was supposed to be wearing a boot on his foot, but was not at the game. I called him Coach Bootey anyway. I will always think of him that way, I think. Hee Hee.
Emily made a Spirit Shirt to wear, in her support of her Bestie, and Cousin all rolled into one.
And, the best thing is, Shelbie is #21. That was the same number that each of the girls have worn in all the sports they have played at SMM. When the number was available, that is.
Anyway, Good Job Shelbie. I was very proud of you, and wished I could have seen more!!!!!!
Loves and Hugs!!!!!


Danelle said...

Can you send me the Young picture? I don't know how to just "steal" it like Nancy does/????? Please!! I'm glad you were there to support the team. Thanks!

Gram~cr'kr said...

Gram~cracker has THE best looking grand-kids, don't you ALL agree??