Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Christmas In July

That's right. It is July. 6 months to Christmas, which is my favorite season of the year. I love the winter. I love the cold. And, I love finding the perfect gift for the perfect person.
I always begin at Christmas time. I see what people get and how they react to their gifts, and I keep a notebook all year long, writing down people's interests, and if we are out, what they look at, or say they want, or need.
It is quite a process. Sometimes it works , sometimes, it doesn't. I am really getting down to it now though. I have a list with everyone I buy for, and gift ideas for each person, and all that is left to do now is shop. Unless, a better idea presents itself.
So, I will start on it soon. I never worry though, if I get one thing, but something else comes up, because if I don't return it, I will give it to them for birthday.
I wonder if Mark would put up the Christmas tree. He would probably kill me if he came home and it was up, but I love our tree. It is silver, and only 4 feet tall, but I keep it on a box, with all the presents around it, and the lights sparkle off the silver....
The other thing I love about Christmas is the movies. I have a big collection of Christmas dvd's and I watch them as soon as it gets cold, but I will try to sneak some in now, since it is Christmas in July.


The Timster said...

Do you want my list now?

Danelle said...

I sure would like to have a ............