Sunday, August 24, 2008

Re: You Know That One Movie...The One With The Guy....

This is the beginning of a blog my brother did on It was all about him and Michael Schwanke driving to Wichita late one night and trying to come up with bad movies that they enjoy wathcing.
Made me think.
I love a bad movie. Those cornball movies from the 80's that were so self absorbed.
My favorite from that timeframe was MIDNIGHT MADNESS. It was also Michael J Fox's film debut. I also remember MANNEQUIN, PRETTY IN PINK, all the JAWS sequels-although I do try not to watch underwater movies, since I can't swim, they make me feel like I can't breathe.
Mark and I were talking about it, as we had just finished watching CON-AIR. Now that is corny!
It is not just limited to movies either, I think. I have never missed a season of BIG BROTHER, THE MOLE, or THE NEW GILLIGAN'S ISLAND. My new TV obsession is IRON CHEF AMERICA, and while it is a little hokey, I don't think it is full out corny, but I am still waiting to see if there is an episode about corn.
I also love sitcoms. My days off always start watching Diffrent Strokes, or Kate & Allie. And sometimes on Sunday evenings, there are a few episodes of Newhart on one of our Nickelodeons. I like the one in Vermont where they run the inn, not the one where he lives in the city as a doctor.
Yesterday, we watched THE CROSSING GUARD, which was definitely a serious movie, and TWENTY BUCKS, which I believe would fall in the corny category.
Anyways, my point is, I love a corny movie. WHILE YOU WERE SLEEPING is my fave of all time. I could watch it over and over, and any movie with a Christmas theme. I have a collection of about 20 or so, and am always looking to expand. Especially those that are made for ABC Family channel.
I don't know if it means I lead a simple life, or what, but I have always enjoyed TV and movies that have no educational content whatsoever. They are an escape. MELROSE PLACE and BEVERLY HILLS 90210. They are pure enjoyment. You have to take it at face value. Mark loves the History Channel, I know Danelle is shocked by this piece of news, but I would rather not watch anything, than have to sit through that.
After all, I am already educated. I did go to Bishop Carroll after all. Right Tim?????

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