Monday, August 25, 2008

Kentucky Fried Connor

Poor Connor! He has the chicken pox. He started to show the spots on Friday. A couple of weeks ago he had the vaccine, but, he is one of the rare cases that actually came down with the pox.
First, I tried to tell him he was turning into a chicken, and he needed to start saying BAWK, BAWK.
That put him out a bit.
Then, he told me I sounded funny, so I told him he looked funny, and he said that wasn't twooo.(true).
But, seriously, it is too bad. Emi had the vaccine last November, I hope she doesn't get them!!!! I doubt she will.
I hope I don't get them more! I had a very light case as a child. Like, 11 total spots.
Hope he feels up to snuff soon. He starts school a week from Wednesday!!!! Mrs. Simons class.