Thursday, August 14, 2008

719 to go....

That is how many days left Val has in high school.
Fr. Jerrod had a Mass for the class this morning, and then at the end of the day gave them an inspirational talk, and told all of them how many days left they had.He also gave the kids his cell number, and invited them to call him at any time for any reason that they may ever need him.
He told them that BC is their home and family. I thought it was very sweet.

Val got to stay in the same classes, but 3 of them are at different times, so now she has a couple of teachers that she did not get a chance to meet and greet.

Other highlights:
Cute boys
English homework- can you believe it?
A bird got into the school while they were in the auditorium.

BC football field was vandalized last night. The press box glass was broken and dry wall was destroyed, along with an outlet and some sport equipment. Do you think someone from Newton did it? Tim, do you have a vendetta??????
I kid!

1 comment:

Gram~cr'kr said...

Probably that other school 'cross town! HEE, or maybe the same schlups that tried to break in the shed. That's too bad....really!