Thursday, January 29, 2009

Golden Eagle Daughters

Such a good picture of Valleri! It was taken last night at the basketball tournament (we lost), at St. Jude's. Her Gram took the picture. I stole it off her blog. This pic reminds me so much, of how I see Valleri. Laughing, smiling, not too serious... beautiful, but doesn't really know it about herself.
If I could have another daughter, and pick who she would be, it would be America. She went to SMM, and was in my nephew Tim's class. She and I spent every morning and every afternoon together in latchkey for 6 years. I also was her lunch lady for 4 of those years. I became attatched to her. She is so bubbly. And sweet.
My favorite memories of her:
Santa Claus is coming to town
Look into my eyes
pop tarts
She and Val have the same lunch this semester, and she is so sweet to talk to her! I sent her a note not too long ago, when Val started dating Chris, and it said how much I miss her, and didn't she think that Val and Chris were so cute together? She did....
Love Her!

1 comment:

Gram~cr'kr said...

What's mine is yours! I loved what you said about Val, so true.