Thursday, June 4, 2009

Dress Code

The girls have always gone to private school, so they have always had to adhere to a strict dress code. Baggy, not form fitting, red polo, skirt to the knee, tennis shoes, their only rebellion is wearing No Show socks instead of anklets, and since most of the school does this at St Margaret Mary, they let that slide.
Val's is a little different. Still, the skirt to the knee, but with a white button down collared shirt, and knee socks with leather shoes. They don't give an inch there.
So, what is my point? Well, the girls are used to a dress code that has them "cover up", so imagine Emily's discomfort when Raeann has decided to impose a dress code on them in summer dance, and it is not to cover up, but to actually show more skin.
They are now required to wear form fitting tank tops and something like spandex shorts. It is because the stretches and moves they do now, when wearing loose fitting clothes, can sometimes cause certain body parts to be seen, so now they are going to be banned from loose fitting t shirts, shorts, sweats of any length, etc.
Emily was like whoa!!!! but, after thinking about it, I do see her point. Some of the stretches and poses they do are very revealing, if wearing the wrong kind of clothes, so I guess tomorrow, we will be going out to look for a pair of spandex shorts. She has only a zillion tank tops, so we got that covered~or uncovered as the case may be (;

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