Monday, May 4, 2009

Val's This and That...

Just have some little tidbits of information about Val. Or fun facts, if you'd rather call them that.
Val loves going to SEAS CYO. I think it is a combination of the prayer time, friend time, and Jacob time. :) . In any case, CYO is a great thing, and she is even planning on going to a Youth Outing to Frontier City later in the summer.
Jacob,Val,and 7 of their closest friends got to go to the movies last weekend. They saw that X-MEN movie. I don't know anything about them.
Val was asked to audit an Honors religion class. She has such a high grade in religion, that her teacher, Sr. Mary Magdalene, asked her if she would like to move up to honors, but since that would be her only honors course, it will help her GPA to stay in a "regular" class, and "ace" it.
Val has had no demerits this year. Not even one. So, tomorrow, BC will treat her, and the other 0-1 demerit kids to a pizza party at lunch.
I know some of you out there, can't believe that she is such a goody-goody, but apparently, she did not inherit either Mark's or my mouth. HAHA!
OK, so, I think that is it for now.
She has a track meet on Thursday that she is pretty excited about, other than that, she is going to help me out by coaching the track meet on Saturday, with her dad, and the other coaches, so I can go to Emi's official dance recital.


Gram~cr'kr said...

It's always nice to read about the accomplishments of the kids. Thanks for sharing.

Monica said...

So proud of Val. Yay Mom for taking the time to brag on her. You must be so proud of your young lady!!