Monday, May 4, 2009

Everytime You Forget Your Camera...

...something amazing happens!
Val did it!

Today was a freshman/sophomore meet in Andale, and I went, of course. There is really no way she could keep me away!
Anyway, she barely missed her first vault at 5 feet, but she gets 3 chances at each height, so she got up, dusted herself off, picked up her pole, and prepared to do it again.

For those of you who know Denis, he is an amazing coach! He makes the kids work hard, but the want to, so they just have a great time! He gave her some advice, and she got back in line.

She made it, at 5 feet! I was so proud!!!!

Then, she got in line with the girls that made it over, and waited, until they raised the bar, to 6 feet. She cleared that on her first try.
6 feet 6 inches was just a little too much for her today, but I just know that she will do it!

She made my day!
Extraordinary things can happen each and every day!


Gram~cr'kr said...

Great post, and congratulations to her and her Mom! Just take a breath!

Danelle said...

awesome! we need a video clip soon!

Grannymouse said...
