Saturday, April 4, 2009

No Good Deed Is Left Unpunished....

So, the Parish Nurses asked me to make cinnamon rolls today for them to sell for medical equipment they need.
Easy enough, right? I mean I make them ALL the time. No problem.
I gave one of them a list of what I would need, and told her I would get there early to start, because there really only needs to be one person there.
I got there at 5:30, and there was no sugar, oil or salt. So, instead of waiting, I went to Wal Mart and got it. I turned on the ovens before I left, so it would be warm in the kitchen,so the dough would rise faster. When I got back, there were 2 police cars in the parking lot. I am used to seeing police in the parking lot, and have never understood why, they were there, but I figured they were just hanging out, because I saw them just sitting there, although it did occur to me later, that maybe someone thought I was breaking in to the school. SO, I got my stuff and went in, and I heard the window go down, and it turned out to be a guy that goes to church at SMM, and he said, hey, is it cinnamon rolls today???? He was pretty happy to know that it would be.
So, I go in,and get started, and then the other woman helping me comes, and tells me she has to leave within the hour to take her son to a Choir Regional Competition. I made 3 batches of rolls by myself. I did call Val, and she and Mark came up and helped, for a while, which was nice. I hate wrapping the rolls, but Mark did a fantastic work of it, and we just got home at 10:30 ish, so it all worked out. Just not the way I planned.

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