Thursday, April 9, 2009

Atomic Veterans

I don't usually do "political posts". In fact, I am not political at all, but this topic has touched my heart, and so, I will ask for the help of the people who read my blog.
My sweet father in law, Gary, died 10 years ago, minutes after midnight on Dec. 26, right before his sweet Valleri's 5th birthday. At the time of his passing, he had 4 grandchildren, ranging in age from 5 months to almost 5 years. He loved these children. They were his life.
Gary had a long battle with Pancreatic Cancer. It is now believed that he contracted this disease, because he was exposed to radiation from an explosion when he was in the Navy.
I support this organization, in their attempts to have these servicemen honored by our Government. Please check out the website at
If you find it in your heart, to send a letter to anyone from your congressman to the President, it would be appreciated. It would just take $8 each for our government to make a medal to be given to the veterans or their families to honor the experiences they endured so many years ago.
I chose this sweet picture of Papa and his dear Valleri, she was about 9 months old at the time. Her Gram made her the sweatshirt she is wearing.
To know Gary Young was to love him.
I love him to this day, and miss him always....


Monica said...

What a touching post. He must have been a wonderful man. I will check that website out. God bless, and God rest his soul.

Gram~cr'kr said...

Oh my goodness! This is so special. Sometimes a picture speaks louder than words. Thank you Michelle, I hope your readers do read the website, and they read the links. Your post will help reach those I could not.